
Create an FTP Server on your computer

06 June 2009
Posted by NAIDU

Configure the user accounts which u have created.

Step 1:On the left tree-menu, select the account which you have created above and then click upon General Tab.

Step 2:Goto Hide 'Hidden' Files.

Step 3:Check Allow only and enter the number one in the box.

Step4:Set the maximum downloading speed upto extent you want.As this is an account so many will be using so set it low(eg:-10-20) to save your bandwidth.Don't leave it blank as users can download with full bandwidth.

Step 5:choose how many users you want to login at one time.It depends on your connection speed try these (56 - 1, ISDN - 3, ADSL or cable - 5-6 users.)

Step 6:Click upon Dir Access Tab.

Step 7:Now you can see the home folder here.Highlight it and make your permission.

Step 8:If you want only users to download check only these Read,List and Inherit.

Step 9:If you want your users to upload into your server but to only one particular folder and not to downlaod, click upon that add button and then select that folder, Now you have to highlight that folder and set these permissions on that folder.Check,Write,Appened,List,Create & Inherit after setting these permissions click on the arrow which is present at the bottom right-hand corner.You want this upload folder 2 be list first, before the home folder.

Step 10:If there is any folder which you dont want anyone to access it and it is present in the home folder, then click add button & then select the folder.Now you have to highlight that folder and see that no all the checkboxes are left.After doing this click upon upper arrow which is present at bottom right hand corner.

Step 11:There are many things you can do, These are only the basics.

Step 12:Your server is now ready to be connected.

Step 13:Login with your username & password.


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