
Airtel new Free GPRS trick 2009

07 June 2009
Posted by NAIDU

The tricks that i provide here is the low balance trick.Either use opera mod wid downloadar's unlimited net area or https://i-w.net or any proxy site with airtlel live default settings at balance below 1rs and enjoy free airtel gprs.Steps are

1. Activate mo by *567#
2. Make two settings of gprs named mobi4m1 n mobi4m2
3. In mobi4m1access point-airtelfun.comhomepage-mobi4m.comproxy-

4. In mobi4m2access point-airtelgprs.com homepage-live.airtelworld.comproxy-port-0
5. Set mobi4m1 for opera n mobi4m2 for default fone browser
6.Open opera n type address mobi4m.com n click go n connect wid mobi4m1
7. U get a massage of unauthorization, minimize opera.
8. Long press 0 key, defaul browser loaded n u get error massage again, minimize it.
9. Restore opera n reload site, and enjoy free airtel net

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